Discover the world of fine cigars at Akiki's Cigars, where our extensive portfolio features the most exceptional and sought-after cigar brands from around the globe.
When you walk into our cigar shops, you are faced with hundreds of options to choose from. How do you select a cigar that you are going to enjoy?
When choosing a cigar, you can really break the selection process into two parts. First, you’ll want to filter your choices based on your broad preferences in a few categories: Body, Size, and Shape. Once you find a cigar that meets those parameters, you’ll next want to make sure it’s a good quality smoke.
If you are a cigar connoisseur, you will already know that no two cigars taste the same as the cigar is a combination of specific tobacco harvests, fillers, binders, and wrappers, each contributing to a unique taste. Many, however, ask the question, does the taste of a cigar depend on the country where the tobacco is grown?